I haven’t really given a pandemic update as not much has changed in this last while. I don’t hear it talked about much anymore and I’m noticing more and more people going without masks more places now. Even though it’s still mandatory on public transit, I’m finding half the people there have given up masking. I’m still not personally comfortable taking mine off in groups. If I’m one on one with someone and know they’re not sick, then I’m okay removing it – but otherwise, I’m still wearing mine.
Walking is going amazing. I’m feeing so energized and so very proud of myself for staying so consistent with it. I hit my goal of 7000 steps every weekday this week. The fitbit group challenge I’ve been in has definitely helped keep that motivation up and I love that a few friends have added me for that. I’ve also gotten back to bringing a bunch of produce to work for snacks. I’d kinda dropped off bringing more than just one fruit with me and this week I’ve brought two fruits and two veggies to snack on and I’m loving that’s making me feel full but light.
I got an email that I owe the government money back from the CERB. They said something about the first payment was given as an advance to get money out quickly but it was technically an extra one and they were starting to take them back from the weekly CERB payments right when I was called back to work, which means I never did pay any of it back when they were doing those paybacks and I owe the 2k back now. It also reminded me that I haven’t yet done my 2021 taxes yet – so I really need to do that ASAP and fingers crossed I’m getting a return to go towards the 2k I owe back.
I’m really working on my mental health and self care still (it’ll always be a work in progress!). I’m finding my anxiety has been heightened by the emotions of those around me. When those I’m close with are feeling high anxiety themselves or very low and depressed, I’m finding that I’m getting easily worse with my own emotions. I’m trying my hardest to both be there for them but also protecting myself and distancing myself or limiting time so I don’t absorb as much. Definitely a topic I need to bring up at therapy this week to work on more strategies so I don’t feel guilt for it.
I’ve done a whole lot of work this week with the side biz by following-up with emails from the vendor table I did last weekend. I messaged every single person who left their contact information with me. No responses or group joins yet – I hope it didn’t land in people’s spam and hope I get a few responses. No new mani this week to show. I plan to do it sometime this week – I’ve had this one on for about 12 days now and it still looks perfect and I’m loving the holo glitter of it, so no point in changing it when it still looks great. I think I want to do a neon one next!
I got to end the week with playing a whole bunch of Heroclix this weekend. There were two stores holding sealed Disney+ What If? events and I love sealed events so much. Now that stores are having sealed events again, I decided to not buy a case to play at home and instead try and get pieces by playing. Saturday my two boosters had SR The Watcher (who’s terrible for playing sealed) and R Zombie Cap. I didn’t have great pieces for my team and ended up going 0-3 but I had a great time playing against Matt (who rolled almost every single shape change), Dennis who kept me tokened with Party Thor (but my Kid Loki was definitely my MVP by rolling his own shape changes and managing to take out Captain Carter with amazing blades rolls and then eventually getting Party Thor when he came over on last click to take him out and the mystics took him out in the process) and Nathan with all his outwit just picking me off piece by piece. Sunday I didn’t pull great again, but I managed to build with enough annoying stuff that I managed to go 2-1 and came in first by points (there were only 4 of us today so we each played each other and all went 2-1). I had 2 R packs this time, Loki and Heist Nebula. Dennis and I had a whole lot of back and forth, almost taking out a bunch of pieces, but it ended with only 1 KO each and he won by 5 points. Next I played Jason on the bye and we had a great slug-fest. Matt was my last opponent and he had some really scary pieces that I didn’t feel confident I could beat – but he got a crit miss on one of his first attacks and I managed to get a crit hit on his SR Vision with my Loki, so he couldn’t roll his super senses and I had psychic blast to get through his imperv. In the end I had taken the most points and got the change to buy the last 2 boosters from the brick – which we figured had good stuff in it because we had all pulled pretty lousy – and we were right! There was a chase Scarlet Witch and I was ecstatic because it was one of the pieces I was hoping to pull so I could have all the equipment from this set. As usual, it was fantastic being social and seeing friend while playing a game we all love. Even more social with the carpooling – I SO appreciate my friends who are willing to let me tag along to get to these games outside of the TTC routes. Great conversations with both Mike and Matt on those car rides. Thank you friends, my heart is full!
That’s me this week. Now to try and fall asleep so I can wake early for a longer and busier than usual Monday as I fill in on a different position for the day tomorrow. This is a busy week with something on the calendar almost every day – so there should be lots to write about next week! Stay tuned.
Until next time, xoxo