On Friday they announced that stage 3 reopening a few days early on the 16th instead of the 20th. This means in the next few days I’ll be called back to work as we’re about to reopen. It’s certainly been a long 9 months of being closed. I have some anxiety around reopening and being around people again, but I’m also really looking forward to a routine again. A reason to get up, get dressed and go out of the house with purpose.
This was another therapy week. I have way too much weighing on me lately so I’m feeling so grateful to be doing therapy to help work through it all. Too many negative thoughts over things that I know rationally aren’t true but anxiety doesn’t care about something you know logically and just overwhelms it. So I was encouraged to work on list making to have the truths listed right out to read the way I do my positive affirmations so I can help reframe those thoughts and quell those that cause my anxiety to spike.
I can’t believe I’ve already finished Grey’s Anatomy. All 16 seasons of it. Now I need to find something else for that Netflix binge. While being undecided what to watch, I re-watched the Hunger Games movies – something I like to do every so often.
I’m about a month behind, but I got thank you for purchasing cards and welcome to the team cards for some new teammates in the mail this week. I had them written and ready to drop in the mailbox, but I just wasn’t leaving the house at all so I wasn’t near a mailbox to drop them. Now that work will be reopening, I’ll be able to get on top of mailing stuff out on a much more regular basis.
I haven’t been doing a lot of my spa type self care and instead have been focusing on those produce, water and sleep goals lately – but this week I both did my nails and painted my toes. It’s been probably close to 2 years since I’ve done my toes. I was tidying a corner of my room and came across a bottle of lacquer that I purchased but never used and love the colour so decided to do my toes with it. Once my toes were done, I figured may as well do my finger nails as well and popped some gel strips on.
I’m super excited to be having a 2 dose summer. I finally reached my 14 days post 2nd shot and celebrated that by leaving the house and visited Jay for the weekend. It’s been about a year since I last saw him. We had a great weekend of just hanging out, chatting, got on a group zoom together, watched Black Widow movie and what was out so far of Loki (I hadn’t yet started it and he was willing to re-watch it), played some Mario type games on the Switch, ate some good food and got to hug! Definitely looking forward to hanging out more again soon.
Do you CBD? I’ve been curious for quite a while now on trying it for both sleep and mood/anxiety but I didn’t look into it or do anything about it. This week I was with my bro when he was checking out a pot shop and I went in with him. I decided to ask some questions while there – saying I’m not looking to get high – and ended up walking out with this. We’ll see what it ends up doing for me! Speaking of sleep, I’ve actually had great sleep this last week or so! I’ve been falling asleep between about 10-12pm and waking after 7-9 hours. Other than occasionally waking to pee in the middle, it’s been a fairly solid sleep. I really couldn’t ask for better. Fingers crossed it continues like this and I couldn’t have asked for better timing too – with being about to go back to work and having a normal schedule again, it won’t be difficult to wake and make my way in.
So with that, this post is going up earlier than normal so I can head up and hopefully crash soon to keep that going. I hope you’ve all had a fantastic week!
Until next time, xoxo