Here we go, another long one with 2 weeks worth of updates. With last weekend being a long weekend, the time just slipped right by me and it was 2 days later than I usually post when I realized I hadn’t quite finished. That’s okay though – life happens and I know you all understand!
I feel pretty good about my doctors appointment even though I had really bad anxiety before going. If you guys know me, you’ll know I have trouble going to new places alone. I know how important it is to take care of my health though and finding a new family doctor is a huge step in that. I do have to go back to see her in a couple of weeks because of 3 things. I need a pap and this time wasn’t a good time to do one, I’m due for a tetanus booster and they didn’t receive their shipment in and they were out of stock, and my blood pressure was a little high so she wants to recheck that – although it could have been the anxiety of being there the first time. I just need to keep up with the walking every day after work and watch the salt and hopefully that’ll help bring it back lower. When I was in the hospital it was okay (other than when I was in pain, but whenever the pain meds were on board, my blood pressure was in the normal range). The results of my bloodwork was pretty good though. I did have a few levels that were a little low and she wants me to take some supplements for a few months – both my B12 and D. My iron looked okay and she wants me to drop down to taking it once a day instead of twice. I’m happy that my blood sugar is good, as well as my bad cholesterol. However my good cholesterol is a little low – which I’m not surprised for because I don’t eat fish. All in all, I’m happy with the results and will be following up next week for the rest we couldn’t do. I got to enjoy a team zoom call for the side biz for having reached a great sales goal. This was my first time hitting 700 in sales in a month to get invited to it. There were a small group of stylists invited and we had a great brainstorming session on ideas for increasing engagement in our social media. I love that I was able to help contribute. I’m loving the new manicure I did this week. A new collections around the 90’s launched with some super neat colours and this one spoke to me. It’s called Like Woah! My table runner arrived and got my table together. Created a new leads list, tips list and a sign for the table. I also got in the mail a magnetic pin as a congratulations for hitting a new rank! That was super exciting to receive!
Because I didn’t get this post out last week – the event has now happened. Mid last week I re-did my nails with something flashy and with an overlay so I could showcase multiple strips. I also started packing my bag early and I’m really glad I did that. I had an absolutely fantastic day! I met some amazing vendors that felt like long-time friends, got samples on a ton of people, made some great sales (including my first one that covered the cost of the table) and networked a whole bunch! I’m absolutely exhausted because I worked my butt off – I literally didn’t sit down for more than 2 minutes at a time so I could be engaging – but it was SO worth it. I can’t wait to follow up with my new customers and get my draw winner their prize. I definitely practiced what I preach and did a whole ton of self care when I got home. I drank a bunch of water, had a good dinner, relaxed in a bath with epsom salts and went to bed to relax and ended up crashing pretty easily. I’m glad I did that so I wasn’t as wrecked on Sunday (I was tired early, but I’m sure I would have been worse if I didn’t care for myself).
I’m super excited that Heroclix World’s finally got the date announced! It’ll be mid September in Memphis again and I can’t wait to go. They haven’t said what the schedule is like yet, so I haven’t yet booked my plane ticket – I really hope they let us know soon so I know if I can find a flight for the Sunday evening or if I need to take another day off work and leave Monday. Last weekend I got a couple of practice games in with Mike and have plans to do some online play with Sam when our schedules line up. I also got to play in my first sealed event for the new Disney+ set. I did terrible but had a blast – I always love seeing my friends and I met up with Jay early and we went for brunch before going. We got to get a few extra boosters after the event and I ended up pulling a chase, so that’s exciting! Not one of the ones I was hoping for, but I can’t complain about getting one.
Last week was the long weekend and actually taking the Monday off because I’m actually feeling pretty caught up at work, which is a stark difference from feeling so behind these last few months. Don’t get me wrong, there’s still a lot of stuff to do, it just doesn’t feel overwhelming right now.
I’ve done great on movement this week. I got lots of walks in and reached my step goals most days. I just learned that I can connect with friends through the fitbit and I got invited to participate in 2 group challenges for the week. That was really fun having a goal with different people to encourage me to keep moving. I really want to feel better and not so bloated – but the walking, drinking lots of water and cutting back on salt should help all of that.
Provincial elections are coming up on June 2nd. That’s a Thursday and I’ve been working doubles on Thursdays, so I’m really glad that advance polls were open all last week and I was able to vote before hand. I had a really nice walk after work to a polling station that was just a little further than what I normally walk after work and was able to get in and out in less than 2 minutes. There were zero people there other than the workers. If you’re in Ontario, make sure you get out on Thursday if you didn’t also make it to an advance poll. Have your voice heard!
That’s about it for me these last 2 weeks. I hope you’re doing well and I can’t wait to see your faces!
Until next time, xoxo