2018 Fall WKO’s I managed to make it out to 3 WKO’s this season! Lucky me, because these are the…
Best week ever? I think so! When you can combine everything you love into one trip, it makes for a…
Well didn’t my knee give out on me again and I fell. Booo! I was out mattress shopping with my…
Ever had one of those rock bottom moments? I got mine this last time travelling. A huge fear of mine. …
With a convention coming up, it’s that time to play the Find A Flight gamble. Y’all, I’m cheap (should I…
Last weekend I had a chance to play in the ROC Canada Cup. The 2nd biggest tournament in Canada each…
Maybe it’s true that you start falling apart when you turn 40. It’s been almost 2 months since the whole…
I hate that my mind races. I hate that I’m on the constant verge of tears. I hate that I…
Travelling home from Nashville on the dreaded flight where I had my rock bottom moment (I need the guts to…
Dont know what heroclix is? I go into it a little in my first post about heroclix, here. This year, Canadian…