Back into stay at home order until at least May 6th now and in our city, the schools are closed…
Well, here we go into another minimum 4 week lockdown. This time it’s province wide, but seeing as us in…
Sadly a player that we knew from our road trips playing Heroclix committed suicide. Jay organized a charity event in…
I didn’t have too much to write for last week – so I decided to combine 2 weeks together again. …
Well, here we are a whole year later. This week was a year since the COVID pandemic was announced and…
Can you believe in 1 week that we’ve been in this pandemic for a full year?! Toronto is coming out…
OMG! I’d just written about 1000 words and when I went to hit save, I got an error “unable to…
Y’all, I’m feeling so proud of myself! You see, this website I’m running here has been a constant learning process…
Well – here we are with another extension to the lockdown in Toronto until March 9. Who knows when this…
Happy Valentines! Trying my best to not let the all the focus on couples affection of the days leading up…